Lindsay Lohan blames her father, promotes well

Lindsay Lohan threw on her best Michael Lohan mesh shirt and hit up The Pool at Harrah’s to promote her 6126 line of leggings. The outfit and leggings go surprisingly well together. They’re both trashy and awesome.
Consider this. Lindsay looks like a hooker here. Coincidentally, one of her leggings features knee pads. This seems like more than a happy coincidence.
In related news, The Sun has an article on Lindsay where she explains her drug use and how her father drove her to it, confessing to once collapsing on the bathroom floor with the water still running in the tub after taking Ambien.
“When my father was going public, that’s when I hit rock bottom. I abused substances too much and it wasn’t the answer to my problems. People need to know that. I tried to mask my problems with alcohol, cocaine and mind-altering substances. Now I’m in a place where I don’t need to use anything and I can feel emotions because I choose to. I learnt from my mistakes and I’m now healthy and happier. I never want to be close to losing everything I worked for and aspired to have my whole life.”
“Mind-altering substances are so dangerous. If I can teach others, especially teens, by sharing my experiences, then that’s what I will continue to do. I’ve made some dreadful mistakes but learned from them – that has probably saved my life.”
“I went to rehab three times. The first time I checked myself in because I had taken Ambien. It’s a sleeping aid but it makes you hallucinate. I’d run a bath and fallen asleep on the floor and the bath had overflowed. When I woke up I was so scared, I called my therapist and said, ‘Can I just go somewhere for a month? I’m around bad people and I need to take care of myself’. I was terrified, so I put myself in. There was a point when I didn’t know how to say ‘No’ and I was trying to please everyone. I was doing pop and making films. I was young and thought I could go out, have fun, then go on set and record. I ran myself down and I lost track of who I was.”
Lindsay also says she only tried cocaine once (she heard about it from her dad) to see what it was like. She didn’t like it because she was hyper anyway and it made her feel like shit. Uh huh. And Pete Wentz only kissed a guy once just to see what it was like.